CPTED Safety Audit

Is your space in need of a risk or security assessment?

12 CSI is a non-profit, community led, crime prevention and safety organization. We have trained over one dozen people (including community volunteers and University Architecture and Planning Students (Now Masters graduates) over the last 4 years in CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) and Safety Audits, through Safegrowth. Larry Leach, our Executive Director, is not only Safegrowth trained, but is part of the Safegrowth network, which follows third generation CPTED principles.

Larry attended the Safegrowth Summit in Vancouver where the team worked with the Strathcona Community Policing Society and Strathcona Business Improvement Area on the issues in the area. One of 12 CSI’s board members, Alison Karim McSwiney is also CPTED trained and took part in the creation of Safegrowth and the first Safegrowth Summit in Canmore. We have conducted CPTED Safety Audits in Forest Lawn, Fonda, Mayland Heights, Vista Heights and Marlborough (the last 3 have video presentations here on our website, under resources tab).

Included on our team will be former CPS Police officers as well as Masters of Architecture and Planning trained in CPTED.

Elements of a typical assessment

Initial visit with 12 CSI Executive Director and your board on the scope of the project and responsibilities.

Identifying the scope area to be assessed (Just building? Building and parking lot? Sidewalks etc.) and who should be invited to the assessment event.

Preparing a 10-page questionnaire for the assessment event.

Planning the assessment event (consult stakeholders, ordering food, prizes etc.) staff, volunteers, customers (hall renters) and neighbours.

2–3-hour on site assessment event with 4-6 facilitators and stakeholders.

Assembling the data (questionnaires and observations including photos)

Preparing the comprehensive report complete with data and recommendations.