Our mission

We help educate and engage those who live, work and volunteer here. The following activities are just some of the projects and programs that are a result of over 50 organizations and 100 individuals working together as 12CSI for over 13 years.
Our core values
12CSI is a local crime prevention collaborative that will foster community action on the issue of crime prevention by providing support, facilitation and advocacy, thereby creating safer neighbourhoods for all who live, work and volunteer in the Twelve Communities

Strategic directions

Strategic objectives
12CSI will achieve the above by focusing on these two objectives:
1. Creating a measurable Sense of Safe Spaces and Creating a measurable increase in awareness and education, using the following tactics:
12CSI has honourable and noble goals, but possesses only finite resources, to achieve on impact in our community and our mission and vision we will:
- Pick one or two of the highest priority issue(s)
- Focus on the highest priority community
- Focus on measureable impact
- Focus on strength based positive messaging
2. Creating a measurable Sense of Safe Spaces, through the these actions:
- Increasing the Visibility of 12CSI’s work in the community
- Being Inclusive of and reflecting our community
- Identifying and addressing community safety concerns, i.e. homelessness.
Our staff

David Carroll

Matthew Pike